Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Hand Knits Socks and Clear Boots

I have neglected to show pictures of the many items that I have made over the past month or so.  These socks, were among those items and I took pictures this morning for my Etsy shop.  With all of the pompom makers that I have, I am always trying to incorporate a pompom into my projects.  Sometimes they never make it to the pictures, but it is not for a lack of trying.

These boots are only available in children's sizes now.  I remember some years back that my LYS sold them in adult sizes, but the adult sizes may not have sold well. 

I changed out  the black shoe strings for fun orange ones 'cause they look good with the socks--at least I think so anyway. 

In retrospect, I wish that I had knit the leg shorter, closer to the top of the boot.  Maybe that is how I will make the next pair.

My puppy was in the shot, but he moved just as I was taking the pictures.  He will turn one on October 17 and with so many birthdays in October, I don't know what we will do for the pup.  I will probably  go over to PetSmart and get him and cookie.

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